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E2: Rebooting the economy, understanding corporate debt, steps to avoid a depression & more with David Sacks - David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya
All-In with Chamath Palihapitiya & Jason Calacanis
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E2: Rebooting the economy, understanding corporate debt, steps to avoid a depression & more with David Sacks

All-In with Chamath Palihapitiya & Jason Calacanis

Jason Calacanis, David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya

41 Clips
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Chamath thinks it'll take two years until things get back to normal after COVID-19.

Pouring Money Into the Economy in Response to COVID-19 Won't Work

Once we've paid the cost [of COVID-19] from the public health perspective ... our immediate focus has to be on resuscitating the GDP of this country. Otherwise, the number of deaths and the the amount of pain that's caused by economic destruction will far outnumber the people that die from COVID-19.

We Need A Biological Patriot Act & Immunity Cards

Getting back to work is going to be much, much more difficult than people think. In the absence of a vaccine, which looks like 18-24 months from now (at best), we'll never get to a hundred percent of where we were before.

Post-COVID-19, the US Will Have a Difficult Time Returning to Normal

I worry that we're not going to be ready—that this precious time we're buying with quarantine isn't going to lead to a better plan in May because no one's really working on that plan; they're just working on the immediate response and making sure hospitals around the country have the ventilators & beds they need.

Government Leaders Lack an Adequate Post-Lockdown Plan

If you look at the Asian countries that have controlled the virus [SARS-CoV-2], every single person wears a mask when they go out in public.

Jason Thinks We Should Give a $1000 Fine to People Who Don't Wear Masks

We've now poured—between the United States government and the Fed—almost $10 trillion into the economy, and only 3 cents of every dollar has gone into peoples' pockets.

Pouring Money Into the Economy in Response to COVID-19 Won't Work

I think it was Lennon who said, 'There are some decades where nothing happens, and there are some weeks where decades happen,' and I think that's basically what's happening here [with COVID-19].

COVID-19 is a Life Defining Epochal Event