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#195 — Social Cohesion is Everything - Stanley McChrystal, Chris Fussell
Making Sense with Sam Harris
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#195 — Social Cohesion is Everything

Making Sense with Sam Harris

Stanley McChrystal, Sam Harris, Chris Fussell

34 Clips
Top Moments

One of the things that's so toxic about our information ecosystem right now is that because everyone can essentially silo themselves without even knowing they're doing it—everyone can create enough of an echo chamber based on the kind of news they like to hear, it seems that many people become unreachable.

Information Silos Can Lead People to Underestimate COVID-19's Danger

If we look at the United States as the pandemic started to appear... our first response was not to be as candid with the American people as we should have been.

America is Fighting COVID-19 with an "Every State for Themselves" Mindset

When you lose confidence that society is going to work in your favor—that law & order and supply chains are going to work, then people become incentivized to do what's best for them because the good of society no longer applies.

Because of COVID-19, People May Lose Confidence in Our Institutions & Societal Norms