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#1451 - Dr. Peter Hotez
The Joe Rogan Experience
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#1451 - Dr. Peter Hotez

The Joe Rogan Experience

Peter Hotez, Joe Rogan

52 Clips
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The Centers for Disease Control came out with a very chilling document a few weeks ago, showing that about a third of the people in the hospital sick with COVID-19 are under the age of 44.

Young People Are at Risk of Serious COVID-19 Illness

This is a very different situation than SARS or MERS or any of those other things. The entire U.S. economy is totally shut down. If anything's going to be a wake-up call for industry, if anything's going to be a wake-up call for people with money, this is going to be it, because this is devastating for everybody.

Despite Previous Coronavirus Pandemics, COVID-19 Vaccine Development Remains Difficult

COVID-19 will peak in the U.S. in the middle of April. In certain states like Texas and California, its peak is expected to occur around May 2nd.

COVID-19 Will Peak in the U.S in Mid-April

The longer you allow transmission to go on before you intervene with social distancing and other things, the worse the surge and epidemic, and therefore, as we talked about with Italy, the worse the mortality.

Social Distancing is Paramount to Fighting COVID-19

Even in years where there's not a good match between the flu vaccine and the flu, it could still reduce your likelihood of hospitalization and death.

The Flu Vaccine Reduces Your Risk of Influenza-Related Hospitalization & Death

If we had all the funding we needed for our coronavirus vaccine program, we would have had several coronavirus vaccines in clinical trials, and potentially, we could have combined them in a way to be ready to go now.

To Prevent Future Pandemics, Vaccine Research Should Be Better Funded

Smoking up-regulates the receptor in the lungs that SARS-CoV-2 binds to ... That may worsen the disease.

Smoking Increases Risk of COVID-19 Infection & May Worsen Symptoms

Between 12,000-50,000 people die every year of influenza, and the vast majority of those people aren't vaccinated.

The Flu Vaccine Reduces Your Risk of Influenza-Related Hospitalization & Death