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#1470 - Elon Musk
The Joe Rogan Experience
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#1470 - Elon Musk

The Joe Rogan Experience

Joe Rogan, Elon Musk

64 Clips
Top Moments

We're already cyborgs to some degree—we've got our phones, laptops, and electronic devices. Today, if you don't bring your phone along, it's like you have missing limb syndrome—it feels like something's really missing.

Neuralink's Premise: If You Can't Beat AI, Join 'Em

We're terrified of this disease [COVID-19] that was projected to kill 100-200k Americans this year. Cigarettes kill 500k people every year, and you don't hear a peep out of any politician.

Why Worry So Much About COVID-19 When the Flu, Cigarettes, & Tylenol Kill Millions?

To be successful, simply aspire to be less wrong.

How Will Consciousness & Communication Evolve Over Time?

If you want to improve the quality of your sleep and be healthier, don't eat right before you go to sleep—it's one of the worst things you could do.

Late-Night Eating Causes Heartburn, Which Adversely Affects Sleep

In the United States especially, there's an over-allocation of talent in finance and law. Basically, too many smart people go into finance and law.

More Smart People Should Work in Manufacturing

I think the mortality rate [of COVID-19] is much less than what the World Health Organization said it was. It's much less—probably at least an order of magnitude less.

COVID-19's Mortality Rate Is 10-50x Lower Than Initially Expected

When reporting COVID-19 cases, the media should distinguish between people diagnosed with the disease and those who just had symptoms.

Hospitals Are Incentivized to Attribute Deaths to COVID-19

One New York hospital said obesity was the number one determining factor for severe COVID-19 symptoms.

Overweight Individuals Have Severe COVID-19 Symptoms

I think we may be able to implant a 'Neuralink' in someone in less than a year.

Neurlalink Will Implant Brain-Machine Interfaces Within a Year

If somebody wants to stay home [amid COVID-19], they should stay home; if someone doesn't want stay home, they should not be compelled to stay home. That's my opinion.

Forcing People to Stay Home Amid COVID-19 Infringes on Civil Liberties

How does wealth arise? If you organize people in a better way to produce products and services that are better than what existed before, and you have some ownership, that essentially gives you the right to allocate more capital.

Wealthy Individuals Have Capital Allocation Rights

Most of the hospitals in the United States right now [in early May 2020] are half empty—in some cases, they're at 30% capacity.

COVID-19's Mortality Rate Is 10-50x Lower Than Initially Expected

Tesla has 7,000 people in China, and 0 died because of COVID-19.

Initial US Lockdown Orders Overestimated COVID-19's Severity