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All-In E13: SPACsgiving Special! Plus: reforming higher education, morality of challenge trials, destroying regulatory capture & more - David Friedberg, David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya
All-In with Chamath Palihapitiya & Jason Calacanis
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All-In E13: SPACsgiving Special! Plus: reforming higher education, morality of challenge trials, destroying regulatory capture & more

All-In with Chamath Palihapitiya & Jason Calacanis

Jason Calacanis, David Friedberg, David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya

44 Clips
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This guy [Moncef] Slaoui, who's the head of the Trump administration's effort to produce the vaccine, he actually slowed down the Moderna human trials by about three weeks because they weren't including enough minorities in the trial, and that cost them three weeks. If it weren't for those three weeks, Moderna's vaccine would have happened before Pfizer's, and it would have come out about a week before the election.

Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Was Delayed By 3 Weeks to Include More Minorities

The reason why innovation has happened so fast on the Internet is because of one word: permissionless. Permissionless innovation. Nobody who has an idea for a startup needs to get permission from someone in the government repeatedly. That's really what makes a difference.

Innovation Via the Internet Is Permissionless

It does not make sense in the United States of America... that you can buy alcohol and drink yourself into the ground, buy cigarettes and smoke yourself to death, gamble away your money where you're negative EV, or openly do illicit drugs, but you can't participate in a thoughtful trial backed by scientific research.

The All-In Crew Debates the Morality & Risk of Challenge Trials

You don't need a license to be the engineer that writes the machine learning code that either drives a car autonomously or helps propel disinformation in a social network, but you do need to have a license to give someone a buzz cut.

Tim Ferriss' Podcast With Charles Koch Discusses Regulatory Hurdles

I don't know if it was [Anthony] Fauci or someone that's closer to the operation [who] shared that they do think they can get 70% of Americans immunized [from COVID-19] by May [2021].

Officials Estimate 70% of Americans Will Be Immunized from COVID-19 By May 2021

We need to celebrate vocational capability ... We have so celebrated this mythical bachelor's degree, and it just means fucking nothing ... Learn a trade, and frankly, that should be as respected or more.

America Values Bachelor's Degrees Over Learning Vocational Trades

I think it's ironic that an administration that was constantly accused of white supremacy probably lost the election because they slowed down this [COVID-19] vaccine trial group [Moderna's] to include more minorities.

Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Was Delayed By 3 Weeks to Include More Minorities

When you just let entrepreneurs do things, good things happen. And that's why we've had so much progress on the Internet, and in some of these other areas, we've had much less progress.

Innovation Via the Internet Is Permissionless

I'd like to go on the record with my 15-year projection, which is that The Rock is going to run for president.

Chamath Thinks The Rock Runs for President Within 15 Years

If in Portland, Oregon you can now take heroin openly in the street with no consequence, but you can't participate in a trial that could basically cure a cancer, that's insane to me.

The All-In Crew Debates the Morality & Risk of Challenge Trials