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Vaccines vs. Natural Immunity, Sudden Death In Athletes, The Best Early Treatment Of COVID, The Joe Rogan Vaccine Podcast, Can You Get COVID Twice & Much More With Dr. Peter McCullough. - Peter McCullough, MD
Ben Greenfield Fitness
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Vaccines vs. Natural Immunity, Sudden Death In Athletes, The Best Early Treatment Of COVID, The Joe Rogan Vaccine Podcast, Can You Get COVID Twice & Much More With Dr. Peter McCullough.

Ben Greenfield Fitness

Peter McCullough, MD, Ben Greenfield

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There's about 100 cases in the peer-reviewed literature where doctors think 'Aha, here's somebody who's got [COVID-19] a second time.' 100. Now, we're talking 100 out of 8 billion people on Earth. They think there's 100 cases. I've looked at every one of them, and every one of them is basically just another exercise in false positive testing.

You Can't Catch COVID-19 Twice; Second Occurrences Are Likely False Positives

If COVID could be magically transmitted by people with no symptoms, it would be the first respiratory illness in the history of medicine where that's the case.

Why Dr. McCullough Doubts Asymptomatic COVID-19 Spread Is Possible

The older someone is, you can almost always predict they're going to have a rough time with COVID. The younger they are, you can almost predict it's going to be like the sniffles.

Supplement With Vitamin D, C, Quercetin, & Zinc After Testing Positive for COVID-19

For COVID-19, it's so clear that people who are fit and in good condition with good diets, they breeze through it; and people who are obese and unfit, this can be a fatal illness.

The Data Is Clear: Healthy Individuals Have Reduced COVID-19 Symptom Severity

Remember, vaccines are used to prevent the occurrence of the disease. That's what the approval is for the vaccines. So, whether or not someone's received a vaccine, once they have COVID-19, the vaccine has failed to do what it's supposed to do.

COVID-19 Vaccines Are Supposed to Prevent Infection; Monoclonal Antibodies Treat Symptoms

The mistake people have been making is they've been focusing on hand sanitizer. [COVID-19] is not even spread on the hands. It's not a hand infection. It's an infection in the nose. You have to do something to sanitize the nose, and people have been preoccupied with the hand.

Stop Obsessing Over Hand Sanitizer; COVID-19 Isn't a Hand Infection

Patients, by this time, should have asked their doctor are they ready to treat them when they develop COVID-19. If the doctors are not ready, who do they refer to? Where are the monoclonal antibody centers? What are the hours of operation? How did they do the oral and nasal sanitizing to kill the virus so they don't spread it around? All these fundamentals people should have at this point. COVID-19 should not be a surprise two years into it.

Joe Rogan Received Peter McCullough's COVID-19 Treatment Protocol

Everybody's going to have this at home in their COVID emergency kit, so everyone's ready to go at home. That's the idea: Be prepared. We're two years into this. No one should be surprised if they get COVID-19. No one should be scrambling the day they get a positive test. They should know what they should do.

Supplement With Vitamin D, C, Quercetin, & Zinc After Testing Positive for COVID-19

The kids actually take the [COVID-19] vaccines, and then they develop an explosive syndrome of chest pain, difficulty breathing ... They have cardiac troponins that aren't just a little bit elevated; they're about 100 times elevated compared to the upper limit of normal.

Peter McCullough Sounds the Alarm: COVID-19 Vaccines Cause Myocarditis in Kids

You get to 25% of the population vaccinated, you're going to allow a dominant variant to move forward. And that's exactly what happened with Delta. The vaccine program is responsible for the Delta variant.

As of Late 2021, Omicron Is the Most Mutated COVID-19 Variant